Santa’s Express Fundraiser – Holiday Open House
December 3, 2011 – 6:00 PM -9:00 PM
MUST RSVP for time slot – 6 PM or 7 PM
Live Music, goodies and great wine! Fabulous discounts for the holidays and Christmas gifts available for purchase.
Please be generous as this event is a huge funraiser for those less fortunate in Calaveras county. The gift of giving is a Wonderous thing. ENTRANCE FEE IS CANNED FOODS AND UNWRAPPED KIDS GIFTS!! The Smile on a childs face when they open a special gift at Christmas is a pricelsss thing! $10.00 per person if you forget to bring donation itmes. 100% of the Entrance fee is donated to Santas Express. PLEASE RSVP if you plan to attend for your time slot. Limited area for children – plese dress warm – indoor / outdoor event.